Reducing Inflammation For Better Health
You're probably familiar with the term inflammation and how it relates to your body? You've most likely had a mosquito or bug bite and seen it first hand in all it's glory. This is a natural localised histamine response in the body that occurs when a person is exposed to something they are sensitive or allergic too.
According to Lyn-Genet Recitas, a Holistic Health Practitioner and Sports Nutritionist, chronic inflammation is present within most people. "Histamine is triggered when an inflammatory food is introduced. Histamine causes water retention by causing capillaries to dilate and allowing them to leak fluid, so you’ll see an immediate gain on the scale when you eat an inflammatory food. But the inflammatory response is not just water weight. Water weight can be reversed within 24 hours. A reactive response can easily last for 72 hours and it causes more than just weight gain. Eating a food that doesn’t work for your body can kickstart any latent health issues you have (think constipation, acid reflux, IBS and so on).
To control this histamine response, the body produces cortisol. Cortisol and hormones such as progesterone and testosterone use the same building blocks; the more cortisol that is released, the more your hormonal balance is negatively affected. The body is producing cortisol at the expense of progesterone and testosterone. These hormonal fluctuations disrupt water balance, metabolism, thyroid health, healthy sex drive and immune response. Elevated cortisol produces glucose, which leads to increased blood sugar levels. This will start to increase yeast growth as they have specialised glucose sensors and their growth in population will alter gut flora affecting your body’s defence system. A high yeast population means never ending sugar and carb cravings. Altered gut flora leads to a weakened immune response as the balance of our intestinal bacteria is thrown off."
Every time you eat a food that doesn’t work for this histamine system gets started, creating inflammation in the body which ultimately affects your hormones, gut and ongoing health issues.
This is where we come in! We all know that pizza on a Saturday tastes better than your anti-inflammatory greens. The Detox Bomb combines Fulvic Acid and trace minerals to create a potent anti-inflammatory. An easy solution to reduce inflammation in your body without any radical diets or fasts. By reducing chronic inflammation, the body is able to drop weight, reduce water retention, improve hormonal balance and prevents severe ongoing health problems.
All you need is a Bomb and a bath.
Source: Lyn Genet-Recitas and the Metabolism Plan